Saturday, January 14, 2023

COVID Information | Wake County Government.Vaccinations Dashboard | NC COVID

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What is the vaccination rate in wake county north carolina - what is the vaccination rate in wake co


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What is the vaccination rate in wake county north carolina - what is the vaccination rate in wake co


This dashboard shows the total number of doses that have been administered by NC providers and through the federal pharmacy program. It is updated every Wednesday. Current vaccines may require either a single shot or two doses of the vaccine. Data are included for the total number of doses that have been administered through a single dose or two-dose vaccine series.

Data shown are preliminary and may change. Dashboards are best viewed on a desktop or laptop. However, if viewing dashboards on a mobile device, please rotate your device horizontally, to landscape view, for a better mobile experience. View Larger. County vaccination data may change once residence is verified. All data are preliminary and may change. Percent of population metrics are calculated using the entire North Carolina population i. It helps vaccine providers know who has had a first dose of which vaccine to make sure people get the second dose of the same vaccine at the right time.

It also helps people register for vaccination at the appropriate time and allows the state to manage vaccine supply. Information on vaccinations is confidential health information that is carefully managed to protect patient privacy. Information will not be shared except in accordance with state and federal law.

Visit Here for more information on the vaccines and vaccine distribution in North Carolina. The report, updated every two weeks, also highlights best practices to promote equitable access to vaccinations. Another tool to help North Carolina reach its goal of vaccinating as many North Carolinians as quickly and fairly as possible is a map that shows census tracts in North Carolina with the highest rates of social vulnerability and the lowest rates of COVID vaccination.

Social vulnerability is measured by Social Vulnerability Index SVI ; the higher the score, the higher the social vulnerability. The map also includes the ability to see where COVID vaccine providers and community-based organizations that have offered to support vaccine events are located. Find a booster near you. Vaccinations Dashboard. NCDHHS applies the following rules to the COVID data dashboards where data is at a county level and includes demographics data: Data will be stratified by county by one demographic group at a time ethnicity, race, age group, gender.

Population data sources, as listed in the Data Behind the Dashboards are used to find 'cell denominators' for county populations. Data for any county demographic sub-group that has a population of less than , will be suppressed for privacy. For county cell denominators that require suppression, all corresponding demographic data elements are attributed to the 'Suppressed' category. This method allows the display of actual values on the dashboards, while still suppressing which demographic sub-groups the data are attributed to.

Additional data suppression is done for demographic sub-groups that can be discovered by subtracting row or column totals e. Share this page: Facebook Twitter Email. Back to top.


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